OK so I haven't kept up as much as I thought I would. Breastfeeding is totally to blame!! I swear every time I am finished, and get my head together to what I have to do, I come upstairs and sit down and it's time for him to eat again...so since he is doing pretty good at getting on a little routine at night--I thought I would come and try to get a little updating done in this 3 hour stretch...
I haven't been doing so hot at taking pictures either...I really need to get better at that!! I do have some though of some recent things...he is a growing boy..I was looking at the pictures that I do have and noticed that he doesn't even fit into his newborn onesies anymore, and hasn't for over a week.
Here he is still in his little onesie...he can't fit in these anymore :( !! Growing boy!!!
Sleep, sleep with daddy.
So his umbilical cord took the absolute maximum amount of time to fall off. "1 - 3 weeks. " It was exactly three. I was so excited because I wanted to give him a real bath... with milk all over his face, and 35 doo doo diapers a day ( a little exaggeration ) I didn't think the sponge bath was cutting it. I thought he would like it...
So I started getting him ready....
Ok so I was wrong.
He screamed...
and screamed....
and screamed!!! haha poor little guy...
Content, and CLEAN, with mama!
He loooves to sleep with his arms in the touchdown position!!
Today he had his 1 month check up!! Time is flying by!! He weighs 9.72 pounds!!! He did soo good and only cried for a second when he got his shot.
He was such a big boy!
His boo boo.
Now time for a nap!
I will try and be a little better at keeping things updated. A lot of it will probably be a major post with lots of pictures!! As soon as his newborn pictures come in, I will put those up here. They are awesome!!!!