OK so I haven't kept up as much as I thought I would. Breastfeeding is totally to blame!! I swear every time I am finished, and get my head together to what I have to do, I come upstairs and sit down and it's time for him to eat again...so since he is doing pretty good at getting on a little routine at night--I thought I would come and try to get a little updating done in this 3 hour stretch...
I haven't been doing so hot at taking pictures either...I really need to get better at that!! I do have some though of some recent things...he is a growing boy..I was looking at the pictures that I do have and noticed that he doesn't even fit into his newborn onesies anymore, and hasn't for over a week.
Here he is still in his little onesie...he can't fit in these anymore :( !! Growing boy!!!
Sleep, sleep with daddy.
So his umbilical cord took the absolute maximum amount of time to fall off. "1 - 3 weeks. " It was exactly three. I was so excited because I wanted to give him a real bath... with milk all over his face, and 35 doo doo diapers a day ( a little exaggeration ) I didn't think the sponge bath was cutting it. I thought he would like it...
Ok so I was wrong.
He screamed...
Today he had his 1 month check up!! Time is flying by!! He weighs 9.72 pounds!!! He did soo good and only cried for a second when he got his shot.
He was such a big boy!
Now time for a nap!
I will try and be a little better at keeping things updated. A lot of it will probably be a major post with lots of pictures!! As soon as his newborn pictures come in, I will put those up here. They are awesome!!!!