Saturday, August 1, 2009

100 Cake Balls!!!

Allie's baby shower was today and it went sooo well! I had a great time planning it with the other hostesses, and everything went so smoothly! She got a lot of great stuff which I am sure you can see on her blog soon...this is what I spent my time doing the night before, 100 CAKE BALLS!!! It was hard work but Allie loves them, so we had to have them! (I was trying to do a little Bakerella close up action... :) )
50 Chocolate with Chocolate

50 White with Pink

1 comment:

  1. They were soo good! THANK YOU for your hard work on them! I'm sure Jonathan did half and you did half! You are such a great friend! I can't wait to meet Nolan is less than a month! AHH
