Monday, June 22, 2009

New House and New Shoes!!!

Well the craziness has slowed down a tad.... and when I say tad I mean barely. But we did get moved in and are slowly getting settled in. The ceiling fans, blinds, and light fixtures are all up! Now it's just slowly decorating the rooms and getting everything together. I took some pictures, but was kind of being lazy so they are not that good. But I needed to put SOMETHING up. The dining room will be the last to get fixed up, as always. I will post pictures as rooms get finished. I forgot to take a picture of the study, that is finished as well. The upstairs is pretty much how the old house used to be...

The picture isn't very good, but it's the stuff from the living room at the old house.

The downstairs is colors that I am not used to...but they are pretty neutral so it will work out.

The living room/kitchen/breakfast area is a little bare right now. Contrary to what Kiley thought, yes this is a new chair, and no it's not the only thing going in the living room. We ordered a couch but it won't be here until AUGUST!!!! So this room is a little bare, and will also be one of the last rooms done.

And here is the front. Our cars still have to be parked out front because we have so much trash in the garage!!! And unlike Hurst, Ft. Worth won't let you just pile your curb up, if it doesn't fit in the can, it doesn't go... so we are going to have to schedule a special pick up.


My feet have been KILLING me...well more my heels than anything else. I wanted some SAS shoes, but Jonathan and my mom both told me that I couldn't do that. But SAS and Sketchers have never looked so good...crazy I know!!! So I went to Kohls in desperate need of some squishy shoes to wear around the house and maybe a pair for work. I really didn't care how they looked. Sooo... I found some for the house....
Now these aren't bad. They are just Nike Comfort flip flops. They are really squishy and feel really for the work/going out ones... (haha as if I would wear these if I were actually "going out," how the term is normally used....)
DOCKERS!!!! I know everyone wants a you better get to Kohls before they run out! They are squishy too. Haha I had to have them! Sadly, they go beyond mommish...these are grandma-ish--but hey, they are comfortable and my heels are feeling much, much better!


  1. I absolutely LOVE your new house!!
    It is so pretty!

  2. I know what you mean about the shoes. Working at Nordstrom I always wore trendy heals, but when I was prego...flats ...grandma flats it was. your house looks great. I live near you in Ft. Worth/Keller, we have Ft. Worth trash service and the 1st monday of every month is bulk day where you can set out your junk....I guess it's monday, because that's our garbage day. Hopefully you do have one. It's so nice.

  3. Your new house is gorgeous! Congrats :)
