Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Am I seriously always hungry???

The answer is, YES!!! I am always HUNGRY!! I hear this is normal though... I have to eat every two hours or I will kill somebody. I have to bring snacks to work, and I am trying to stay healthy, even though I do slip up!! I don't have many pictures today, because I am waiting on my sister to post her pictures so I can steal some! So this is just a hello and a little update!! I just think this picture is hilarious so I had to post it. This is one of our dogs, Dawson, very upset because he had to stay in the kitchen at Dara's (Jonathan's sister) house. Pathetic, I know!! I thought he was going to break his neck...so of course mama let him out. :)


  1. My poor Pawpaws!! He would NEVER be locked up at Grammie's house. I'm glad Mama took him out. Love, Mom
