Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Bye, Bye to closing the jeans

...well most of them anyway. I can still close the jeans that were a little baggy PRE-pregnancy. But prraaaiiissee Jesus for the BE Band! It's just like the Bella Band, but cheaper! It's great to wear since I am still kind of in between. My maternity jeans are a tad baggy, but then my regular ones just don't want to close! It's still weird that I am pregnant... I'm normally like yeah, I'm pregnant--but then when I start to think about it, like ok well a baby is going to come out in about 6 months.. AHHHH can't think about it! It's just one of those things you can't see happening. haha I was trying to explain this phenomenon to Jonathan, like when you are a little kid you can't EVER see yourself going to High school, or you can't EVER see yourself driving. And then it just happens. I can see myself having a kid, just not literally having the baby--weird, I know! Maybe it's because I don't want to think about squeezing a watermelon out of a hole the size of a quarter..could be it :)The BE Band...and no this isn't me!


  1. You are sooo silly. Yes, the time will fly and before you know it, the little one will be here. And then it will seem like overnight, YOUR little one be be having a baby!! Love, Mom

  2. I loved having things to make my jeans fit better. I used a hairtie for the longest time. I bought a new pair of jeans the week before I knew I was pregnant. And yeah...don't think about the delivery. It's too late, it will have to happen. I remember the first time I was up all night long sick at my toilet. I looked at Chris and I said, "I take it back, I don't want to go through with this...." He said "it's a little late"

  3. OMG OMG.. I can not believe you are PREGO! I still cant get over this! but.. seriously! I will prob be the EXACT same way you are! We are just to much a like! I'm gonna let you go through it all for the first couple of years.. then I might try it out! hahah
