Friday, February 20, 2009

Ohh those Crazy Cravings!!

So if you know know that for awhile now I have not been eating meat. Probably since 6th or 7th grade soo like over 10 years now!! And what has been the thing I crave most??? MEAT!! Can't get enough of it... Steak, barbecue, beef, you name it--- can't even stand the thought of chicken right now... so today I was craving a McDonald's cheeseburger. I probably haven't been to McDonald's almost as long as I haven't eaten meat. But I had to have a cheeseburger from there. It was sooooooo good to...I could have eaten NINE of them!! Thought I would share a pic of my tasty treat...


  1. And this is why I love you

  2. I remember that. WHen I was nausous all I could eat was a wopper and fries...oh I had to have fries. What else are you craving? Are there things you can't stand?

  3. You are sooo wierd!! Hope you're enjoying beef now! You remind me of Phoebe on "Friends". I love you!! Mom
